Jordan Coalition for Education for all

The Jordanian Coalition for Education for All

The Jordanian coalition was established in 2009 due to an initiative by ANHRE to remind the government of its international commitments to improve the quality of education, ensure openness to challenges and acknowledge, address and monitor them as education is the key to human rights, in addition to urging the government to prioritize expenditure on education and increase the educational development budget.
The coalition also calls for networking among civil society organizations to exchange experiences and implement programmes in educational development, institutionalization in the Ministry of Education, encourage donors and the private sector to assume social responsibility and contribute to funding education and expand efforts to address violence in schools, in addition to activate educational monitoring, counselling and training to provide a safe learning environment, promote a human rights approach and open opportunities for students to express their opinions, ideas and peaceful conflict resolution

Contact info

Coalition Coordinator :Khalil Abu Radwan

Mobile:(+962) 79-5654619

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