The Arab Campaign for Education For all represented by the General Coordinator Refat Sabbah participated in a special high- level meeting on Education 2030 Framework of Action on the 4th of November 2015 in Paris, France.
meeting, preceding the work of the Education Commission of the 38th UNESCO
General Conference, will formally adopt the Education 2030 Framework for Action
The FFA will provide guidance to countries for the implementation of the
Education 2030 agenda. It has been developed through a highly consultative
process and the frameworks’ essential elements were agreed upon in the World
Education Forum 2015 (Incheon, Republic of Korea). During the meeting,
Ministers and invited leaders of WEF 2015 co-convening agencies and parties,
including civil society, are asked to share through brief interventions their
views on, and commitments to, the final FFA.
High-level meeting on the Education
2030 Framework for Action