2009: The Big Read: Youth and Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning

The year 2009 witnessed vast participation of different sectors in 7 Arab countries, with an approximate 1,216,000 participants in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Somalia. The 2009 GAW called for investment in the education of elders on basis of building knowledge and education societies; this stemmed from the belief in the role adult education can play in human development in an era where development in the fields of technology, communication and globalization is accelerating, and within the context of the Millennium Development Goals, EFA goals, International Education for Sustainable Development Contract, International Contract for the Eradication of Illiteracy and Education Development Plan in the Arab World.

Consolidating adult education concepts as an indivisible component of the national plan for education and development, within the framework of continuous lifetime education, connecting formal and non-formal education are among the objectives of the adult education campaign.
The GAW presented success stories of adults who learned to read, write, mathematics and information systems and were able to change their life to the better, in addition to presenting special experiences in addressing illiteracy and the major challenges faced. “I am happy to share my story with you after joining the illiteracy center, as I was facing earlier difficulties in my daily life, including loss of direction because I did not know where the bus I was taking was heading” Um Ibrahim from Jordan shares, who is one of the women that enrolled in the illiteracy centers in Jordan and stood confidently in the opening festival in Al-Ahliyya Amman University to share her passion for education, the difficulties she faced before enrolling in the illiteracy center and the positive impact she experienced after becoming able to read and write.

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