Somalia Coalition for Education for All launches GAWE 2016 activities 24 April 2016

Education for all Somalia has started Day 1 Activities of Global
Action Week for Education. They organized school dialogues and paid a
visit to several primary and secondary schools in Mogadishu.

GAWE is a worldwide annual event organized by the Global Campaign for
Education (GCE) to raise awareness of the importance of education for
all. This year’s week will be marked on 24th - 30th April 2016
globally. The theme for Global Action Week on Education in 2016 is
financing Education! Education Rights now!
2. Global Action Week 2016 campaign aims & objectives
In order to improve education quality,
• The Somali government and federal states have commitment to increase
education spending to 20% of their total budget for the purpose of
promoting quality and equity in education and prioritize sustainable
financing for education in emergencies, particularly in improving
teachers' recruitment and welfare.
• Citizens are aware of the financial implications of delivering the
right to education nationally and are motivated to take action to hold
governments to account.
Policy demands
The Somali government must fulfil their financial commitments to education.
• Develop fully funded, phased, and implementable plans aimed ensuring
access to free, good quality early childhood, primary and secondary
education and literacy and lifelong learning for all by 2030.
• Report regularly and transparently on budgets and spending on and
across education, enabling communities and civil society to see where
public money is being spent.
• Give a formal role to civil society organizations in open planning
and budgeting processes at national and sub-national levels.
• The education partners, civil society and stakeholders:
• Build a more inclusive humanitarian system that recognizes the need
for sustained financing to deliver education in emergency settings
• Call for an increase in expenditure to promote equity, inclusion and
quality education for learners from marginalized groups such as
persons with disabilities, agricultural communities, and IDPs peoples.
3. Target group
The global action week campaign for this year will focus on
sensitizing the parents, community, teachers, Civil Society
Organizations, pupils, as well as the State, in an integral approach
in addressing the right to education for all children in Somalia.
4 Methodology
External communications will be applied to put pressure on decision
makers by raising awareness about right to education.
Materials will include posters, leaflets, press releases, videos,
t-shirts, and audio recordings. The media are newspapers, radio,
television, social media will also be incorporated to expand public
awareness horizon.
5. Targets
• The federal states and the government, particularly their MOE s
• Parliaments and parliamentary oversight committees on education
• The education partners, civil society and stakeholders:
6. Key messages
• Education underpins the achievement of all development goals:
failing to make adequate investments in education puts the fulfillment
of the entire SDG 2030 agenda at risk.
• Citizens have a responsibility to hold governments to account for
reneging on any existing financial commitments which could deny them
their right to education.
• Political leaders must make the necessary commitments to ensure
quality and equity in education, prioritizing investments that have
the most impact.
• Adequate funds must be allotted to address all forms of educational
• Budget data should be available in transparent, disaggregated and
timely manner in a form that can be used for tracking by citizens and
civil society.
7. GAWE activities
Planned activities for GAW 2016 will include; forming GAWE organizing
committee, preparation press meeting, TV and Radio discussion.
Printing advocacy materials and school dialogues. It is anticipated
that this will help in getting all responsible education stakeholders
on board to make children right to education happen.
• School visits,
• Community radio panel discussion,
• Press conference,
• Public education forum, and
• Participation of NGO meeting in collaboration with other CSOS and
education partners

for more photos press here 

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