“Adult Education: Readings in the Failure and the Prospects for Renewal in the Arab World” The Regional Initiative of Adult Education launches its first Adult Education Seminar October 2016

Amman, October 2016. The four Arab Networks of the Regional Initiative of Adult Education, in partnership with DVV International, launched the first Seminar of Adult Education under the title: Adult Education: Readings in the Failure and the Prospects for Renewal in the Arab World, on Saturday October 1, 2016.

The Seminar, which lasted for four days, commenced with a special invitation from The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in cooperation with the host organizations and the International Council of Adult Education “ICAE”, to the civil society regional consultation: The Right to education of youth and adults from a lifelong learning perspective - Rethinking education: Towards a global common good?.

Following the opening, the Seminar was also an opportunity to launch the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education “GRALE” and to discuss the Sixth International Conference of Adult Education held in Brazil in 2009 from a regional Arab perspective.

Additionally, key working papers prepared specially for the Seminar by key experts in the field were presented for analytical and diagnostic discussions on the pedagogical issues they highlight regarding matters of huge concern in the region and on what opportunities and elements are there to reproduce and renew hope for adult education in the region. The issues were focusing on Adult Education and Women, Adult Education and Civic Education and Participation, Adult Education and Literacy and finally, an overview of failure in Adult Education in the Arab World.

Dr. Zahi Azer, the Secretary General of the Arab Network of Popular Education, said, “Regional Initiative of Adult Education aims to work on renewing concepts and approaches of adult education in the Arab Region. The initiative also aspires to respond effectively with the requirements of the field in the different Arab countries in order to improve the adult education visions and plans in the region”.

On her turn, Dr.Iqbal Samaloty, the Secretary General of the Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education said “the Seminar wasan opportunity to reflect on the failures of adult education in the current world, and more specifically, in the Arab World. It was an invitation to read the reality of adult education and its consequences on developmental processes; culturally, educationally and economically”.

It is worth to mention that the following four Arab Networks founded the Regional Initiative of Adult Education: the Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education (ANLAE), Egypt; the Arab Network for Popular Education (ANPE), Lebanon; the Arab Campaign for Education for All (ACEA); and the Arab Network for Civic Education (ANHRE), Jordan.The initiative was also founded in partnership with DVV International: the Institute of International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association. It has been engaged in Jordan since 2010 to foster Adult Education as a means to poverty reduction.

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