2012: Rights from the Start: Early Childhood Care and Education Now!

Every year, more than 200 million children under the age of 5 in middle and low income countries are unable to fulfill their developmental capabilities due to poverty, malnutrition and insufficient number of care and education opportunities.

 The majority of these children are living in southern Asia and the sub-Saharan African. Due to this beginning and if these children are able to enroll in schools they will underperform and will contribute to continuing poverty by working low-income jobs, give birth to children at an early age and transmit lowly healthcare, nutrition and morale to yet another generation. In this sense, early childhood care and education was chosen to be the issue to focus on in 2011, particularly since this is the most neglected EFA goal, and if this neglect persists then EFA goals will not be achieved by 2015.

The campaign included various activities in integrate official and popular institutions in the “Early Childhood Care and Education” campaign to lobby governments to change their educational policies to fulfill children’s rights in the early childhood period. The year also witnessed the participation of Bahrain and Mauritania, with more than 12,973 participants in 8 Arab countries within the educational coalitions of the “Rights from the Beginning” campaign

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Global Action Week 2012 Activities in the Arab world 


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