2013:Every Child Needs a Teacher

“Every Child Needs a Teacher” is a campaign led by the GCE to demand that the law guarantees a well trained teacher for every child, in light of the fact that 61 million children are not enrolled in primary schools and the most important thing that we can give them to give them their right to education is to ensure that they have trained teachers; to achieve this we need 1.7 million teachers.
The 2013 GAW carried the slogan “Every Child Needs a Teacher” and in Palestine, Yemen and Jordan the slogan “The Teacher Deserves” was taken up to focus on the pivotal role played by teachers in achieving education for all. The goal of the GAW is to increase mobilized political and financial support to achieve the EFA goals.
The mission of the campaign was clear and focused on “If we appreciate education then we should appreciate and value the teacher; we should value the important role teachers' play and reward this teacher on three connected levels: rehabilitation, decrease burdens and improve living conditions.”
Arab countries sought the opportunity and utilized a broader definition of teachers to include trainers, facilitators and qualifiers that play pivotal roles in adult education.
The importance of the 2013 GAW activities came within the context of discussions that took place in numerous places on all levels, with the aim of evaluating the accomplishments made on the EFA goals since the year 2000 until now.

Press here for
Global Action Week 2013 Activities in the Arab world
Closing the trained teacher gap

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