Promotion of the Global Action Week for Education by EFASOM 2013

From 21st to 27th April 2013, EFASOM has held number of activities promoting the Global Action Week for Education in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. Mogadishu city is part of the areas where EFASOM Coalition operates.

The number of activities promoting the event that was implemented included meeting for Press Release issued by EFASOM organization on event, the status of education in Somalia, and the need for joint efforts of the Somali stakeholders on to advance education in Somalia. school visits and making speeches on the event at the school assemblies for raising the awareness of the headmasters, teachers and students.

With the support of Global Campaign for Education and Arab Campaign for Education, EFASOM Organization has successfully promoted the Global Action Week for Education in Somalia and raised public awareness on the event.

Meeting  promoting the Global Action Week for Education

EFASOM has organized meeting held at Safa Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia to make press release and promote the Global Action Week for Education event.

Members of the EFASOM Coalition and 50 persons invited from educational institutes, organizations, networks working in the education sector were the key participants in the meeting on April 26, 2013. There were Directors of education of the Ministry of education, education officers from educational organizations, headmasters, students from secondary and universities attending in the meeting.

Members from the media were covering the event of the meeting.

The aim of the meeting was to issue A Press Release statement released by the Education for All – EFASOM organization) promoting the event of the Global Action Week for Education  

Following brief introduction of the meeting and its purpose, Mr. Adan Mohamed Adan  , Chairman of EFESOM has made remarks on the importance of the meeting signifying the event of the Global Action Week for Education from 21st to 27 April 2013 in Somalia.

Mr. Adan explained that the theme of the Press Release is: “Every Child needs a teacher”, and said EFASOM is sending salutation and tribute to all the Somali people everywhere for the occasion of commemorating the yearly event of the Global Action Week for Education – 21st to 27th April 2013, and promoting the event with the support of the Global Campaign for education and Arab Campaign for Education lobbying for right to education.

“In 2011 survey conducted at 10 regions in Somalia indicated that there are gaps in the level of education sector as result of the destructions caused by the conflicts, only 20% of the Somali population could read, and 1.8  of the Somali children at the school age 5- 17 are out of school.” The Press Release mentioned.

“Whenever there is attempt for development, the only path to achieve development is through education, evidently, the quality of some students is not up to the required standards, this indicates that the devastations happening in the country had impact the child education.  The Somali intellectuals have come to the conclusion that the conflicts have caused the destruction of the education system, and the set back in the level of education.” The Press Release added.

Mr. Adan said that in conclusion, the Press Release prepared and issued by EFASOM is appealing to all the sectors of the civil society and the Ministry of Education that there is need to jointly cooperate in the efforts to promote the education quality of the Somali Children and teachers.     

After the Press Release event, the Directors and members of the invited participants made remarks at the occasion, and their speeches focused on:-

v EFASOM organization was appreciated for conducting activities promoting the significance of Global Action Week for Education – 21- 27 April 2013 in Somalia

v To produce unified Somali national curriculum to achieve quality education

v To strengthen the education of the Somali history, civic education and cultural values for the Somali children 

v There is need to set out national policy and strategy governing the development of education in Somalia to be lead by the Ministry of Education of the Somali Federal Republic

v Ministry of education is leading Go to School Initiative program that will lead to new enrollment of one million children to school in all over Somalia by next academic year 2013/2014

v There is need to put in place promoting teachers training program to get qualified teachers in future to better education every child in Somalia 

v There is need to rehabilitate and reconstruct the demolished public schools to achieve free education for all the Somali children

v Lack of education is lack of light and development

v It’s imperative to get full cooperation and coordination between the organizations, networks and the Ministry of education to achieve quality education

v To allocate resources to improve education and required awareness campaigns

v There is need for full secure and peaceful environment to promote education programs

At that stage, the meeting for the press release and speeches on the event has been closed up.

Schools Visit promoting the Global Action Week for education

EFASOM organization has organized selected school visits in Mogadishu City and some other main cities of Somalia to promote the awareness and importance of education for the schools staff and children studying at the targeted schools.

The two schools selected for the visit were: Osman Ghedi Raage Primary and Secondary School based in Waberi district and Hamar Express Primary and Secondary School located in Shibis district in Mogadishu City.

The EFASOM staff were warmly received at both schools and was provide with full cooperation to conduct the Global Action Week for education event at both schools.

EFASOM organization team introduced the main aim of the event to the headmasters of both schools, then, posters displaying the message for the Global Action Week for Education 21- 27 April 2013 were fixed at the students’ Assembly at each of the two schools, and pamphlets on the event was distributed at the schools.

EFASOM organization team made brief speeches detailing the event and its main purpose at the assembly at both schools respectively.

Both the staff and students at both schools expressed their appreciation for this opportunity to participate in promoting the Global Action Week for Education and pledged to pass message on advancing education to all Somali children to the community in general, and contribute in ensuring every child to get qualified teacher for better education.

At that stage, the schools visits were concluded successfully.

Media promotion of the Global Action Week for education

EFASOM organization has organized media stations such as Radio Dalsan and Bar Kulan Radio which are widely listened to promote the Press Release event, the speeches and the school visits and other programs related with the Global Action Week for education 21- 27 April 2013 to be  covered in the media stations for wider public awareness on the event.

The media stations has played key role in presenting the importance of the event and education for developing Somalia and change the conflict situation to peace environment and stability.

The media coverage on the Global Action Week for education has been conducted successfully.
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