The Moroccan Coalition Launches GAW 2014

The estimated 1 billion people who live with a disability face a multitude of barriers to participating equally in society. In particular, their right to education is often not realized, which in turn hinders their access to other rights and creates enormous obstacles to reaching their potential and effectively participating in their communities.

We are in the Moroccan Coalition for Education for All, a member of the Global Campaign for Education, as we appreciate the efforts undertaken by associations active in the field of care for people with disabilities and defend their rights. we take the opportunity of the Global Action Week for this year in order to emphasize the need to defend the right to education of all persons in with disabilities, and we announce the launching of the our activities for GAW where w conducted several meetings with officials and with activists in the field of care for people with disabilities for the preparation for the week. As noted in the correspondence issued by the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training in the subject of schooling for children with special needs which coincided campaign for a week and interacting with the demands of the associative movement.

Declaring the start of our program with the slogan: equal rights - equal opportunities, we invite everyone to participate in the week of the campaign to publicize the situation of this category of our children and defense their right to education.

GAW 2014 has been identified between the 4th – 10th of May 2014 during which the Moroccan Coalition for Education has prepared an important program with the participation of members of the coalition and support of our colleagues in the Morocco Forum. The program includes in addition of the launching celebration several activities including provide documentation for each campaign member associations and unions in the coalition; organize a meeting with the Communication Directorate of the Ministry of National Education to introduce them to the theme of the campaign; coordinate with bodies and organization northern Morocco, including the White Dove Society to organize the campaign week in a northern region; organize contacts with the officials and associations concerned with persons in with disabilities; organize a visit to the institutions that adopt students with disabilities in Bnaabat Rabat, Temara and Marina Sultan Al-Feda'; organizing a drawing workshop for the kids with disabilities in the institution of Mohammed al-Faqih Al-ghazi in Rabat; organize a seminar on the theme: children with disabilities and the right to education with the participation of relevant experts; prepare a memorandum on the status of persons with disabilities and submit it to the Minister of National Education and the Education Commission of Parliament; in parallel with the public activities the coalition organizes links to news and interviews with officials in Josour radio;

It is worth to mention that the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training as part of their interest in the subject and their interaction with the week of the campaign, has issued a ministerial correspondence to the managers of the academies and deputy vice-ministry intended to provide the necessary facilities, the activities of the coalition.

 For more photos on GAW 2014 in Morocco please press here


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