The Somalia Coalition for Education for All Conducts Education Policy Forum on "Teacher Recruitment and Retention" in Galkayo in August 2014

The Somalia Coalition for Education for all successfully completed the 2-day education policy forum on "Teacher Recruitment and Retention". This forum was conducted in Galkayo during 16-17 August 2014 including number of participants from Galkayo, Puntland and Somalia including School Principals, Universities, Academic Scholars, the Civil Society Organizations, and Ministry of Education.
During this forum the participants were involved in discussion seminars on various topics regarding teacher recruitment and retention including what matters most and what can the ministry of education of Puntland do? What are the criteria of selection of teachers in Schools? Is there an overall shortage of qualified teachers in Galkayo city? Or are there specific fields which have real shortages? How can we ensure recruiting qualified teachers? What Quality Control is there in Primary Schools? In addition, the participants were introduced to six strategies and resources for a positive and lasting impact on the recruitment of highly qualified mathematics, science, and special education teachers. Finally, the participants discussed the best strategies for improving Teacher Retention.
This forum was covered by various means of media including Puntland TV, Somali National TV, Puntland Post Website, Daludug Website, and FM Radio Galkaio

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