The Sudanese Coalition conducts the General Assembly Meeting and Elects new Board of Directors on 13 August 2014

The Sudanese Coalition conducted the general assembly meeting on August 31, 2014 in the presence of representative of member institutions. During this meeting the new name of the coalition "Sudan Coalition for Education for All" was officially adopted instead of "Sudan Network for Education for All". 

The Coalition also elected new Board of Directors headed by Dr. Mubarak Yahya Abbas, along with Mr. Naji Mansour Al-Shafie- Secretary General, Ms. Leila Khalid Hashim -Treasurer, Ms. Souad Deshul Mahmoud-secretary of Foreign Relations, Mr. Al-Natheer Mohammed Ahmed-Secretary of Information and Communication, Dr. Huda Abdel-Ali Amin-Secretary of Training and Capacity Building, Mr. Ahmed Osman Ahmed-Secretary of Branches, Mr. Magdi Younis- Secretary of  Organizations, Ms. Lamia Ahmed- Secretary of Women and Children, Mrs. Hanan Salahuddin- Secretary of Legislation and Rights, and Ms. Reem Ahmed Badran- Secretary of Planning, Research and Information.

The Sudanese Coalition amended its web-site to:

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