Effective participation of ACEA in the seventh meeting of UNESCO’S collective consultation of NGOs on Education for All (CCNGO/EFA) Santiago, Chile

ACEA effectively participated in the Seventh meeting of the CCNGO/EFA ended with the adoption of a Final Declaration that calls for the continuation of “a revitalised EFA process and structure up to 2030” and for the post-2015 agenda to reflect rights-based, universal, holistic and lifelong learning perspectives.

In their Final Declaration, participants expressed their support to: Ensure equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030 as the overarching goal for the post-2015 education agenda as well as the draft targets set out in the Muscat Agreement which was adopted at the 2014 Global EFA Meeting. The meeting participants also pledged to continue mobilizing support and to increase advocacy for education both within and outside of the education community, and to specifically mobilize “all governments at local, regional and central level to engage and commit to active participation in the development of the post-2015 education agenda and its subsequent implementation”.

The meeting which was organized by UNESCO in Santiago, Chile, from 21-23 May 2014, and co-hosted by the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) and the Chilean Forum for the Right to Education, gathered representatives of international, regional and national member NGOs from all parts of the world to discuss and reflect on the achievements, challenges and future beyond 2015 of Education for All and on the participation of civil society in the EFA movement.

For the final Final Declaration please press here 

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