The Arab Campaign for Education for All-ACEA Conducts a Meeting for its Secretariat. Amman – Dec 2014

The Arab Campaign for Education for All-ACEA conducted a meeting for its secretariat in Orchid Hotel in Amman-Jordan. The meeting was conducted on December 21, 2014 in participation of Mr. Refaat Sabbah, ACEA General Coordinator, in addition to ACEA secretarie's staff including Mrs. Fotuoh Younes, Ms. Tasneem Al-Homouze, Mr. Faisal Attari and Mrs. Heba Heba Etifat.


The included critical review for ACEA structure and status, suggestions to develop improve performances and achievements, CSEF project, the transition period in 2015 till Jan 1, 2016, the discussing the three-year proposal, and updating 2015 plan and ACEA secretariat role.


During the meeting the participants went over ACEA achievements during the year 2014 including GWA 2014, harvest repot, the field visits to promote ACEA and coalition status, and CSEF project. And they reviewed ACEA responsibility in order to set the plan for 2015 in effective way. The attendees reviewed the structural hierarchy of the secretariat and rebuilt the units and the tasks of each unit. Which are Policy Advocacy Unit to be under the responsibility of Fotouh Younes supported by Heba Etifat; Development, Monitoring and Evaluation unit under the responsibility of Osama; Communication and networking Unit in which Tasneem Hmouz will work in as an activity coordinator; and the Financial and management Unit under the responsibility of Faisal Attari.

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