The progresses in inclusive education presented at National Conference “A quality education - For every child”

Chisinau, March 12th. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with NGO ALLIANCE, CCF Moldova and other NGOs, organized the first edition of National conference in the field of inclusive education “A quality education - For every child”.

The event presented the progresses registered by Republic of Moldova in the field of implementing the Inclusive Education Development Program in Moldova for the years 2011 -20120.

An important moment during the event was the presentation of the results of the opinion research and intermediate evaluation of the implementing process of the Inclusive Education Development Program in Moldova for the years 2011 -2020.

The research was possible with the support of the project “The activation process of Inclusive Education in Moldova" implemented by NGO ALLIANCE - funded by the Civil Society Education Fund, through the Global Campaign for Education and co-funded by SOIR.

The conference culminated with the NGO ALLIANCE initiative, supported by CCF Moldova, within the project “The activation process of Inclusive Education in Moldova", to award 6 educational institutions from across the country and one psycho-pedagogical support centre for remarkable results in the inclusive education field.

The educational institutions which received the awards are:

The Gymnasium from village TUDORA, Stefan Voda district, awarded for promoting the partnerships in the inclusion of children with special educational needs.

The primary school „ALEXADNRU DONICI”, Cahul city, awarded for outstanding achievements in the inclusion of children with multiple and severe disabilities.

“MIHAI EMINESCU” high school from Sipoteni village, Calarasi district, awarded for supporting the process of deinstitutionalization and promoting the inclusive education for children with special educational needs.

The Gymnasium “MIHAI VITEAZUL”, Cazangic village, Leova district, awarded for professional involvement of parents in the process of inclusive education.

The Kindergarten NR. 12 from Orhei city, awarded for perseverance and professionalism in early educational inclusion.

Theoretical high school PUHOI, Ialoveni district, awarded for plenary and dedicated engagement in promoting inclusive education and effective institutional management.

One of the most emotional moments from the premiere ceremony was the awarding of the special prize „Alexandra GRAJDIAN – for Courage and perseverance in promoting inclusive education of children” which went to the PSYCHO-PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT CENTER from Criuleni district for the courage and innovation in promoting the education of children with special educational needs and availability to share the experiences in the field.

The appreciations enjoyed also few media institutions which sustained and promoted the NGO Alliance initiatives within the project “The activation process of Inclusive Education in Moldova”.

The conference was attended by over 200 professionals across the country: representatives of partner NGOs, representatives of central and local government, teachers, support staff etc. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education, in partnership with NGOs and was co-funded by Global Campaign for Education CSEF.

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