Launching the first events of the Global Action Week for Education 2015 in Egypt

The Egyptian coalition for Education launched on 26th of April 2015, the initial activities of the global action week for education under the slogan "vote for Education" through the participation of some schools in filling the surveys of the campaign (Better education, Egypt's dream) in cooperation with the faculty of Education in Aswan and under the supervision of Egyptians Without Borders foundation. The schools that participated in the campaign are; Ahmed Taha Hussien preparatory school for males, Languages' experimental distinctive school, Arabism preparatory school.

This survey is considered one of the tools for social responsibility that monitors what was not achieved from the millennium goals of education that was represented in 6 main objectives:

Objective1# Widening and improving the care for and upbringing of students on a comprehensive level in the early childhood phase especially for the children most affected and most needing.

Objective2# Planning to empower all the children through a good, free, and obligatory primary education by 2015 and continuing this education with a special focus on females and vulnerable children who live in harsh circumstances and children of religious minorities.

Objective3#guranteeing the satisfaction of all the learning needs of children and adults through equitable access to suitable learning programs and gaining the necessary skills.

Objective4#Achieving an improvement of 50% in the levels of literacy education of adults by 2015, especially for women, and achieving parity in primary education opportunities and continuing education for all adults.

Objective5# erasing the gap between the two genders in the primary and secondary education with a focus on securing full and equal opportunities for girls to benefit and reach a good academic achievement.

Objective6# Improving all the qualitative aspects of education and guaranteeing excellence for all through clear and concrete results in learning especially in Reading, calculations and basic skills for life.


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