Al-Yemen AlYawm channel conducts an Interview the Yemeni Coalition members on GAW 2015-April 2015

Al-Yemen AlYawm channel, which is one of the most watched channel in Yemen, made a TV interview with members of the Yemeni Coalition for Education for All on Monday, 27/04/2015. Mr. Issam Olfi, the Secretary General of the Yemeni Coalition for Education for All and Mr. Issam Abed, the Secretary General of the General Union for Educational Careers participated in this interview that aimed at raise people's awareness on GAW 2015 Dakar agreement and mobilize efforts to advocate for education and pressure on the government to fulfill its obligations and achieve the goals of the Dakar agreement.

Due to the conditions of the conflict in Yemen currently, the coalition decided to employ all means media and of social media to spread awareness messages on the largest scale, where the team chose Al-Yemen AlYawm channel because it is one of most watched channels in Yemen. The coalition chooses a TV program that is linked radio so that the message can be delivered very wildly.

During the interview, there was an intervention by the Deputy Minister of Education, who confirmed the government commitment to fulfill its obligations, especially with respect to the strategy of the ministry post 2015.

The most important outcome of this interview was to reach the largest possible number of citizens and raise their awareness on the importance of the week and Dakar agreement; mobilizing large number of activists to advocate for educational issues; and obtain a commitment from government to the public to fulfill its obligations which creates a ground for the coalition work to end of the year.

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