Republic of Moldova VOTES FOR EDUCATION by organizing the „Global Action Week”

Chisinau, May 5th. NGO ALLIANCE started, through a public awareness exhibition (in the center of Chisinau city, in the square of Stefan cel Mare Public Garden) the activities dedicated  to the “Global Action Week”, organized simultaneously in about 100 countries throughout May.

In Moldova, the Global Action Week takes place for the second consecutive year. During this period, NGOs in the field in more than 100 countries, organize various events to draw the attention of governments and the citizens that they represent to support the EDUCATION FOR All.

Stela Vasluian, President of NGO ALLIANCE: “The 2015 year marks 15 years of political commitment of the global community towards EDUCATION FOR ALL - by the Dakar Forum and the Millennium Development Goals. It is a time of evaluations and new plans. The development of education in the next 15 years entirely depends on citizens. "

Thus, through the activities undertaken, the global community aims to achieve a new set of targets for the period after 2015: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.

The agenda for Global Action Week in Moldova includes several activities, such as:

- Public awareness Exhibition: 5 to 30 May 2015;

- Realization and presentation of communication materials that includes personal educational experiences of six young people born in 2000;

- Press conference where will be presented the personal educational experiences of 6 teenagers, a brief overview of the achievements of the EFA in our country, and advice from experts in the field and civil society to the post 2015 year.

Global Action Week takes place as part of the project The activation process of Inclusive Education in Moldova", implemented by NGO ALLIANCE with the support of CCF Moldova.
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