15 Years of Implementation and Development of Inclusive Education in Moldova - Conclusions and Recommendations

Chisinau, May 29 2015. NGO ALLIANCE  closes the activities dedicated to the “Global Action Week”, thru a public presentation of a set of conclusions and recommendations for the development and implementation of the main objectives of the Education for All concept that includes inclusive education as well.

The 2015 year marks 15 years of political commitment of the global community towards EDUCATION FOR ALL - it is a time of evaluations and new plans.

Liliana Rotaru, director CCF Moldova (NGO Alliance  member):  “ The involvement of the civil society in the  public dialogue, in formulation, implementation and monitoring of policies -  this are essential elements of a democratic society. In 2000 the global community agreed the 6 Objectives for Education for All which referred the 2000 – 2015 years. In this year, we make some evaluations, analyze the level of the Objective’s implementation and  make recommendations for the period post 2015”.


The review of Moldovan situation permitted the formulation of several conclusions. Mr. Paiu, doctor in Doctor in Pedagogy, MSU : “We have found that in the system are discrepancies  close to 30%  in matter of children access to preschool education depending  on the place where they live  -   children from villages  have a rate of enrollment in preschool education with  over 69%,  in the same time children from cities  have the rate with over 99%. We also found that Moldova has exceeded the proposed objective to have 78% of children between 3 to 6 year enrolled in preschool education. In the same time we noticed that in the context of obligatory preparation for school of children from 6 to 7 years  we are far close to the sated target  of 98%;  just a small number of children enrolled in this kind of programs  is above 93%.


Beyond policies and projects are the children, who see school in different ways, but they all want to learn in a friendly, familiar and inclusive environment, this things results from the discussions with 6 teenagers born in 2000 who shared their educational experiences.


Mihaela says that: “School is for me a place in which I make new friends, learn and communicate. I like our teachers and also I like the fact that we have in school children with special needs, this think make us help them, understand and accept”.  Sergiu, child with special needs completes Mihaela and ads: “I see the school as my own treasure in 15 years, because here  children learn how to be patient and how to become successful people”.


 All 6 testimonials that contain educational experiences of the teenagers are going to be published on the NGO’s websites and will be disseminated in schools and press.


 In the past few years our country did sure steps in the direction of reforming the educational system and the first results can be seen. From the outlook of the Education for All, we can mention that the approval  of some normative documents, development  of support structures and services, but also the funding of the process -  all this things resulted in the increasing number of the children with Special Needs  in communities schools and the continuation of the residential and special care system reform.

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