The Arab Campaign for Education for All Participates In the World Social Forum Tunis 2015

The Arab Campaign for Education for All participated in the World Social Forum that was conducted in Tunis during March 2015.  Within the activities of the Forum, ACEA conducted a conference under the title "Road to Dignity…education post 2015" on 26th March 2015 that was hosted by the Tunisian coalition for education for all and sponsored by the Forum.

The coalition's Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Tunisia participated in this conference and they presented papers on the main subject on education post 2015 and ended up by recommendations to be applied by the civil society, national and regional coalitions, unions and decision makers to achieve the educational objectives beyond 2015. All coalitions exchanged experience, vision and idea. Also, they were encouraged to add inputs to the subject with the context in their countries, to localize it and use it. These papers helped at the regional and global level to shape our speech in the World Education Forum.

For more photos please press here

For ACEA General Coordinator Input (in Arabic) during the conference please press

For work papers during the conference please press in the link below:

The report of "Road to Dignity…education post 2015" conference (in Arabic)

Presentations and inputs (in Arabic)

Yemeni Coalition work papers on "the Role of CSOs in Advocating for Girls Education before 2015" (in Arabic)

Sudanese Coalition work paper on "Out of School Girls: Reasons and Challenges"

INSTITUTO PAULO FREIRE (IPF) presentation: Treaty of environmental education for sustainable societies and global responsibility: challenges remain

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